How to find out quickly if a given person is your true soul mate while you are looking for signs of love and real emotional connection? Is not everybody interested in that? We have managed to find the crucial element of attraction and emotional connection between people and the truth about dating rules. A proper program measuring energetic attraction and emotional connection between people is available to all interested clients on our website, at a very modest price. It offers the option of anonymous data input. The program is the result of long-term research on the fundamentals of attraction between people. It gives the user broad access to that world when he/she uses internet dating and casual dating services on weekdays or dating websites and matchmaking services. It is essential for a potential first date or for single events. According to scientists, a person comprises the void filled with energy. Don’t you think it is important to understand the principles of energetically determined mutual impact and influence of two people on each other? Match reviews become much easier if you know that you are compatible with a potential partner.


Energia seksualna wcale nie jest tylko dodatkiem do związku, ale jego bardzo istotnym elementem. Wysoka synchroniczność energii dwojga ludzi zapowiada namiętny związek, w którym nie brak czułości, partnerzy są sobie wierni, a rutyna nie wkrada się do codziennego życia. Dlatego w naszej analizie wyodrębniamy energię seksualną jaką jedną z kluczowych w matrycy energetycznej człowieka. Energia…