Chris Evans women

With the help of our reliable algorithms, we've checked why one of the most handsome actors in the world is still single! According to our analyses, the energy match between Chris Evans and his ex-partners was not great, so he did not form a long-term relationship with..

Selena Gomez’s men

Why has such a beautiful woman like Selena Gomez not found her soulmate yet? The answer is simple - energy match. Unfortunately, it seems that Selena has not found a right partner with whom their energies would match each other perfectly. Her spirituality result was 100% only with Justin Bieber..


The YourLoveCode project was designed as a specialized tool that can help singles, who have not yet met their soul mate in this life. Above all, it can specifically help people who are already members of an online dating website or singles club, and who would like to find the person who shares the ideal type of energy with them from a list of candidates. If you have more than one candidate to choose from and you are unsure whom to choose, we can quickly and easily guide you to the right person.